Post Grad just enjoying the Pittsburgh life, knitting, cooking, baking, and still sipping tea. Always trying my best ;-)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Studyhall Knit Time
So, days 4 & 5 I have studyhall. I sometimes do homework, but for the past few weeks I've been knitting. I know people watch, but I didn't realize how much. After the bell ring and I put my knitting away, the guy next to me told me he watched my knitting the whole time. Same with a few other people. It's funny, it's so relaxing that I don't even notice. I just sit there for 47 minutes, listening to my ipod and knitting the time away. Life is so sweet. :)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I need help with my knitting, it feel off the needles and i got all the stitches except one. I didn't think it was a stitch, so I pulled a little to make sure, and to find out, it is a stitch. Now it is down and i've lost quite a few stitches now. Please help, I'm going to Bloomin Yarns sometime today, I need help, and I might ask someone there to help, but yeah- Thanks~ :/
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hey everyone, Spaghetti Dinner tonight at- Bower Hill Community Church. 5-7:30 p.m. take out is available, and I'll be a waitress. I don't have a camera right now because the battery died, and of course they aren't open on Sundays, so it's a problem.... Hopefully they will be one at CVS or something. See you there! <<33
Monday, April 16, 2007

Here's the progress I had when I got home from school, to the finished product!!
I have finished the beautiful set for Kim{My ballet teacher if you haven't kept up to date}. Here is the hate and scarf combo for her baby! Aren't they pretty?!? I am so proud! And thank you Heather for helping me figure out the decrease. Well, I don't know what to knit now is the only problem, but feel free to stare at the beautiful work I've done for as long as you like. :)
Here is a model for the lovely items! Isn't she cute! She got a little upset the second picture, but I think it is just funny :D

Sunday, April 15, 2007
I got to go to Bloomin' Yarns!!! A Yarn STORE!!! :D Very exciting! I got some yarn for a blanket I'm going to start and I'm going to start it right after I'm done typing. Yup, that's all, I just want to go knit, I'll have pictures of it later, when I have progress- TTYL! :)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I'm not harmful!
My goodness guys- I'm not going to kill anyone when I'm on the road, I'm learning and I'm doing fine. I haven't hit anyone, not even close to any accidents, I got to drive to dance and I did fine! I have parked into many spots and I'm doing good with staying on the right speed and my mirrors and looking- Don't mock me, because you know what; you were all learning how to drive one time too! So be nice. :)

Miles is relaxed about it- Now why can't you be too?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Still Icky, but More Progress!
I'm still a little sick. As long as I have 100 tissues near by, I'm good. :) But since I've been using so many tissues, and improvising without- my nose is totally Rudolf. :(
Sorry, but I thought everyone just wanted to know. lol (laughing out loud) :) The answer to my icky boredom is.... drum roll please! KNITTING!! I actually had to start the baby hat over again. I left it in my backpack during Hello Dolly rehearsal and forgot about it when pulling my books
out. When I finally realized a needle was in my assignment note book, I pulled it out right away! But it was too late; there were only a few stitches left on the two other needles and a lot of dropped stitches. But look at it now! Only two days after it died, and it's already more progress then the week I worked on it before! That is a very curious thing though. Makes me wonder if I'm just getting faster at knitting or that I really don't do much else but knit. Who cares as long as I got a smile on my face (with a big red nose). ;)

OH!! I'm driving! I don't remember if I got to tell everyone last time, I GOT MY PERMIT!! I have been driving my mother nuts by asking repeatedly "Can I drive there?" As long as it's light out and no traffic, I can drive the whole parking lot. :/ But no, she has let me drive home from rehearsal and to church. Tomorrow, I get to drive to dance and I am super excited! Well, I'm going to bed- must get better! Ttyl (talk to you later)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Being Sick- sucks.
Well, the other night I started to get a sore throat, hoped it would go away in the morning, but no. It's worse, I still have the sore throat with a stuffy nose and I feel icky. :(

There is only one good side to this sick day. I got to knit a lot! I didn't stay home but I had rehearsal and didn't do much because I'm sick and I got to start my baby hat! My ballet teacher is pregnant and I'm making a scarf, hat, and maybe a blanket for her. The baby is due in August but she'll have a winter wardrobe for the baby when the time is needed. Did I not mention it's Pittsburgh and any kind of weather can sprout upon us at any given moment. 

Here's a picture of my progress- They are the colors that my teacher likes, but she doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl. The colors would look good on either.
Oh- and here's another picture of my cat, pudgie. This picture REALLY shows how much of a queenie she is. Just look at her! She is being lifted from her bigger throne(my bed), on her tiny throne(the pillow), to my mother where she would take the picture, I just had to put this up because it really shows how queenie she is,
and we got a laugh out of it.
She started to wonder if she could jump out of her throne... and eventually did. :)

Oh yes, GO PENS!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Scarf to Spring Scarf.

But the next day I took another look at it and I've decided, just because Easter is over, I am not going to be brought down! Gosh darn it, this is my Spring Scarf and I am PROUD! 

This picture is me and my other cat, Pudgie. Aren't we CUTE!?!?
Monday, April 9, 2007
I Knit!

<-- This was my first scarf! It's REALLY long. But it is one of all my scarves! Because it's cotton, and it's my first one and I love it! :)
My mom has also knitted and crocheted a few of them, we like to knit and crochet together. She's making me this really long and big blanket, I don't know when she'll finish it, but it's really pretty and I'll try to take a picture of it some time soon.

This was my first hat! One of my cats- Mittens, likes to wear it on the weekends. :)
OH! And this blanket that is in bothe of the pictures, is the one my grandmother took 4 years to make for my mother for college. The cats love it, and we love it, so it's like a family blanket.
That's all for now- got many projects to keep up on, laters! :)
I'm New at This. :)
I HAVE A BLOG! This is cool... What do I do? What do I write? How do I make it cool looking?!? Well, I guess I'll figure all that out eventually- but this is fun!
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