I made this in 3 days. I must have become a tight knitter as well, because it's a tight snug. I'm thinking about giving it away and making a bigger one for myself. Yet I already know my fellow friends are going to want to go "incognito" with me, and I'll have so many of these wanting to be made.
This was an excellent distraction during my sick days. I really didn't want to do homework while I was sick. It's not like I took any days off because I was sick either. I really didn't need to. All I need are my tissues and lollipops and I'll be fine. I also had a mystery VICKS tissue present. I am investigating the suspects, but I have a feeling I know who the culprit is.
Any-hoo, I am finally feeling better. Last night I finally caved and bought some medicine. I was sad to not find any Daytime medicine, but the Nighttime meds matched my symptoms perfectly. I think it was just what I needed though. I was forced to go to bed. I couldn't have things left to do, I literally took the medicine and went to bed. It took a while to work for me to actually fall asleep, but I felt the affects of the no more stuffed up feeling. It was fabulous.
Moving on- I love flowers. It would be great if someone would buy me flowers, but I truly don't need that in order to have flowers in my room.
Some beautiful tulips last week. I love pink and just can't get enough of it.
Then some beautiful baby carnations for this week :). I love being able to buy myself flowers, it makes being at my desk just that much better.
Now lastly, before I get working on all my homework and some much needed laundry loads, my mother has been asking to see the drapes in my room. AND because I know she won't make her way up to my room when we're rushing off to our Eat'n Park breakfast dates, here is the picture.
OH, and before I forget, here is a picture of me and my awesome friend, Jordan. We went to the Mattress Factory for an AWESOME ball/dance.

Have a great week everyone!
<3 Carly