Last weekend we got to celebrate my friends birthday. Going to dinner on the North Shore and then dancing in Station Square. The evenings theme was classy, so the boys dressed up (girls are so much better at getting dressed up for any going out night). My man loves to wear a suit so he was all in for this night out ;-).
That same week I knit up a baby hat for my man's cousin's first child =). How's that for family confusion? It's technically his second cousin (the baby). He's Italian and we'll just put it at that. LOTS of family.
I am changing my Olympic knitting to this hat. It was done and completed in less than the span of the Olympics (same with most small projects like this). I know that was not the point of my Olympic knitting, but that doesn't mean I am quitting my sweater swoncho. I have started the decreasing of the side, which is big progress for the sweater. I will hopefully finish the front (or back piece. They are the same two pieces), by tomorrow. That is ideal, but I'll keep you posted. I truly had no idea how long it would take to knit 86 stitches to 27 inches. It takes longer than one would think.
I am also sad to report I barely watched the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. Opening ceremonies were easier to watch for me because they were later and I got off work still late, but early enough to watch. The closing ceremonies were an ok time, just harder for me to get home to watch.
More of summer is hard to get right now. I am moving back into school THIS Saturday! How crazy is that?! I am happy to report that my handsome man and I got to double date a Sandcastle day and Kennywood night rider day that made my summer complete. My man and I have gone to Sandcastle a few times, and me with friends a good amount of times (BUY THE SEASON PASS! IT IS SO WORTH IT!), but going to both in one day is a total summer day dream come true. Water park and amusement park combo is the way to go. It's a Disney day in Pittsburgh, hahaha. Not really, but for us Burgh lovers, it surely does the trick ;-). I will go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter someday (a true summer trip :) ).

Can't believe how fast the summer has gone. I am so excited to go back to school, but will have to remember to do another date day with the Sandcastle/Kennywood combo for next year ;-)
Until next time,
<3 Carly