Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Attitude

I am already deeply sorry that I did not post in December. I very much wanted to but you all know how I get with school, work, knitting, everything. I didn't even get to finish knitting projects for Christmas because I wanted to pass my finals instead.

I did want to show you the stocking I am working on for my handsome man though ;)

He wanted snowflakes, he's getting snowflakes =)

It is coming along, but my damned swoncho is still not done either. The good thing with the upcoming semester is that I will finally have some time to myself. I can knit, work on the things I want to, and try to relax. I want to make that my New Years resolution, relax more. For the ones that know me best, they will know I need this. It's my last semester in college and I deserve to enjoy it.

Until next time,

<3 Carly