My Aunt took this picture and it was a capture of THE perfect moment on the jumbotron. I had a full audience there, my mommy, my man, my best friend and my aunt & uncle.
Look at my very proud mama =). Every time I looked back to look at my crowd cheering me on, I saw her tearing up. Can you believe that she didn't bring tissues for herself to my graduation? What was she thinking?! Haha, my uncle came prepared though and passed his tissue pack down to her.
After graduation we went to lunch in Market Square at Sienna. Sienna is an adorable little restaurant that is all organic and locally grown food. Naturally my man and I are drawn to this place ;-). I am going to miss Market Square bunches I must say. At lunch though I finally got my ears!

I am very proud of my ears, but most importantly all that I've accomplished the past 4 years. I said it all along the way, it goes by extremely fast. People warn you of this and it is always brushed off. Everyone needs to enjoy those 4 years. It's a great wonderful crazy time to have and you don't know how much you're going to learn about yourself in those years. I'll give a hint though, it's a lot.
Enough sap now, I want to give you a little tour!
This is my new apartment. It's just my size and I absolutely love it. I know my mom has been dying to come see it but I will get this from everyone because I live through tunnels. Pittsburgh and their tunnels. If you live on one side of one of the tunnels, watch out, people are going to be saying they can't come because they are afraid of tunnels, traffic, it's too far, etc. I understand people getting tunnel vision (I get actual tunnel vision during a migraine), I don't understand the fear- it's a road that has shelter basically, right? The traffic is inevitable. And distance is nothing. If you want to see someone, you will see them, end of story.
Anyway, It's coming along. I do want to get a cute little table and chairs for the dining room because I really am missing a table you can sit at. Especially for my computer and crafting =).
I also wanted to share with you all my FAVORITE breakfast. It's a real treat for yourself and super super easy.
Eggs In A Basket:
What you'll need is simply 2 eggs, 2 slices of bread, some butter, a skillet, spatula and a small juice glass(or mini mason jar as I use).
The first thing you do is get the 2 slices of bread and use the juice glass or small mason jar to cut a hole in the center.
You then want to put your skillet on the burner on Med-High with some butter in there. You want this butter to coat the pan pretty well. Then you want to put 1 of the pieces of bread in there and flip it so each side is buttered. Then you want to crack in your first egg inside the hole.
It should look somewhat like this. Now let the bottom form a bit before you tempt to flip this. I like to push it a little with the spatula to see if it'll be a tricky flip or an easy flip. The butter is usually the key to this, but sometime the egg is just finicky.
I apologize I did not get an action shot but I have been doing this for a good while and it was a flawless flip. If you did not get a flawless flip, keep trying. It gets easier I promise =)
You just repeat those steps for the 2nd piece of bread! I like to butter the centers in the skillet between the eggs in the baskets. It helps clean the pan up a bit and then they are extra for soaking up delicious egg =). I only add a little bit of salt and pepper and then these are good to go! I'm sure ketchup wouldn't be too bad of an idea with this either though ;-)
I was asked where I got this idea by a friend at work the other day and I told them whenever I watched V for Vendetta I wanted to make them immediately. Breakfast is my favorite meal and eggs I can never get enough of, so I naturally tried them right away. I was not the greatest at them my first try, but once I got the hang of them, I became flawless and it is a staple breakfast (lunch or dinner) for me =) hehe.
Now don't think that was all I was going to show you. I must show you my finished coffee table! I don't know if I shared with all of you that I was making this table, with my man of course! Because it did take a good bit of time, but it is finally finished and looks fabulous =)
If any of you are Pinterest Pinners I'm sure you've seen this before, but I actually did it! Now I have been asked by people already if I drank all of those wine bottles and the answer is HECK NO! Hahaha, I work at a restaurant and I would NOT have been able to get this done without the corks from there. Thank you to the bartenders for stashing these away for me at the end of the night =)
The window I got at Construction Junction for $1. Just a DOLLAR! Then the legs were 50 cents each I believe? My man put the rest of the wood together and then I hot glued corks to the board for a good while, haha. Took me longer than I thought! Once I got it to my new place I was completely finished and pestering my man to get it finished. Once it was all up together I stained the sides of the wood with black paint and hot water to make the new wood blend with the obvious old wood. I'm really happy with how it all turned out.
Alright. Now I do have knitting I should show you but I did NOT take a picture of that. I must go to studying though. Now you did read this whole post and realized I finished school but yet I say studying, what could I be studying for? Oh I got 2 job offers right out of school and I need to study to get a license to sell insurance because I'm going to be a financial planner! That's right! I'm really proud of myself. Alright, hope you all take some time to make some good breakfast or craft your day away. I'll be studying ;-).
My new chapter has just begun. Stay tuned!
<3 Carly