But here's what you all have been anticipating, my finished sweater!
It is so cozy and warm and just in the nick of time for all this snow :)
Now the projects I am working on now are 1 for me and 1 for a gift. I am trying to make 2015 the year of extremely selfish knitting, and thus far I am doing well.
The project for me is this Geometry Infinity Scarf. I've been waiting to use this yarn for a long time, and this pattern just looked perfect for it! Now I made a modification already to the pattern. It calls for using 2 fingering weights held together (same yarn, just 2 strands held together). I am using a DK weigh instead and not holding 2 strands, just using the 1.
I've been doing so much basic knitting, and stockinette stitch over and over again, it is so nice to have something change every row and not really be challenged, but to have a flowing pattern. It's written really nicely. I then have a provisional cast on because it will be a seamless infinity scarf :)
The other project I am working on is a gift for another girl expecting at work. I didn't realize that in the less than 2 years at my office, that this would be the 4th pregnancy. 4th! I should have done a hat and booties for the first one because now it's tradition that everyone gets a blanket :/..... It's ok, this blanket is loads of fun! Hehe, THIS BOOK!!! I cannot tell you how often I use this book. It is never on its' shelf, I am always using it! The funny thing is, I haven't even done all the patterns yet! It just has so many great basic knits and techniques, that I use it that often.
Anyway, here is the blanket I am working on.
Now believe it or not, I haven't done entrelac before, but boy do I like it! Now a lot of folks did this in different colors like the pattern says. I of course like to modify if you couldn't tell yet, and decided to pick this yarn that stripes on its own, but also seems more ombre when done up this fashion.
To completely change the subject, I just have to say, with this being the 4th pregnancy in the office, I know way too much about folks being pregnant and what that all entails.... It's becoming quite scaring and I'm starting to think thoughts of Why do people even procreate when they know that this happens? I've made a lot of baby things in the past 2 years because there have been so many babies, but I think it's made me a little uneasy. I'm young, so I have plenty of time to think about whether or not I want to go down that path, but I just want to warn all of you that are going into that time of life where everyone has babies. Take deep breathes, thank whatever you believe in that it's not you
Until next time,
XOX Carly