Now here it is all finished! :) Hats are really quick! I love that about them

It looks better in person, but u get the gist. I am now starting a ribbed hat for Michelle. I really like the yarn on this one too! I want to make a wrap sweater out of it when I get the chance. I am also working on another Christmas gift. But I can't really talk about it yet. So, I'll have pictures up when I get a new battery. Go to Bloomin' Yarns to check out the new purple Alpaca hat! It's worth it~ Laters-
And I almost forgot! I'm going to San Diego for a week, so I won't be able to blog until July- Hopefully I'll get a new battery and I'll be able to take LOTS of photos, especially for Heather, so she can see the beautiful city she left on the west coast. I will hopefully take the hat along with me, but I have to call American Air lines and see if I can take them with me. If anyone knows about how American feels about knitting needles (Double points for a hat) then tell me. If they prefer straight needles, I'll make a scarf, I just have to know by Saturday June 23th! Thanks!
1 comment:
You should have no probs with the needles. They are NOT on the banned items list put out by the FAA. And since you use wooden needles you're doubly fine. I've flown trans-Atlantic several times since 9/11 with my double points and no trouble.
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