Friday, October 5, 2007

La la la la**

Yes, that's right- singing auditions are tomorrow. Didn't do that well on the dance auditions, so I hope the singing goes a little better. Alivia, the choreographer, knows I can dance, I just need time to practice it. The acting went well- I thought. Oh yeah, by the way, I'M IN A FIGHT CLUB MOVIE!! My name is Angelina Hamilton, and my line is "Ew." Is anyone super stoked? I get a dvd and everything when it's done! One thing is, I don't know when I'm supposed to go back.. haha- well, til then I'll be dancing and working on stupid blue books, while busing tables. Sounds fun right?? Well guess what makes it very fun- I'm knitting in between those. Yeah, that's about the only relaxing time I get now a days. So my 2 hours of lunch tomorrow will include a 20 minute knitting session, 20 minute singing and memorizing intensive session, with 20 minute eating, then and hour of teaching Emily a dance so she can do well on her audition. Someone has to do well- and I like teaching dances, so it'll be fun. While at rehearsal, I will ask a certain someone to go to my Homecoming with!! Yeah, no one asked me -gasp- so I will ask someone I know I'll have fun with. So, that's another fun/kind of relaxing night... Well, I'll have fun. OH! Sorry I missed tonight- had the Homecoming game- I still don't know if we won cuz when I left, it was tied... Do they go into overtime?? OH, and the PENS lost!!!???? WTF!? sorry, but we are a good team! There's no reason that they should've lost. (I didn't watch, but I know how we play, and we should be able to win games) So, now that I have gotten everything covered, I will go enjoy the next half hour of knitting then try to get some sleep. AND! finally, I might get a digital camera next Thursday! YAY!

1 comment:

Melsbells said...

hey, are you on ravelry? you need to be! and you alo need to see my blog and some other people's... go and comment on their and they will comment on yours. my blog is

there is a link to this other girl, Babs's page in my comments. We are knitters! We need to commiserate once in a while otherwise we couldn't knit! Anyway, is awesome... I'm still on the waiting list and there's 5000 people behind me. good luck with your knitting!