Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I hereby pledge to send a handmade gift to the first three people who comment on this entry. No real promises about time frame, but it’ll be within the next 365 days. In return, you have to post the same offer on your blog, and prepare to send a gift to three other people.

Ok, the reason I have posted this is because I was one of the 1st to comment on one of these. Now it is your turn. And just like it says- there is no time frame! But it will be yours within a year. Hope it's a good one too~

now.... COMMENT!!!!!!!


Girl Raised in the South said...

I met you tonight at Open Knitting! The lady knitting the pink baby blanket, while you were knitting socks, and we chatted about continental and purling - Heather tipped me onto your blog, so it'll be fun to keep in touch. Bev

Heather said...

Hey girl... ok, I will play. But you know an evening of babysitting would be a good gift. And you could even knit while doing it! Just a thought. :) oh, and school is good for you. You really don't want to be an uneducated adult. ;)

Celtic Queen said...

I'm commenting as promised. And I posted. Sorry it took me so long. And don't worry, you can comment on my post without having to send back. :)