Saturday, March 29, 2008


Yes, I am one year older- and unlike Heather here, I don't have that old album, haha. But, I will be getting that new camera. A digital camera. SOON!!! But not yet.

Alright, so yesterday was my real birthday and I had ta go to school. I was in the middle of Chem class, and all of a sudden- my vision goes hay-wire. This means one thing, a migraine. I usually only get these once or twice a year. This year, on my birthday. Sucks, but I got through it. Just put my head down in the next class, which was study hall, and for the next period as well, which was orchestra. My teachers both understood, and that was very lucky on my part. Well, after those two periods, there is only one more. And during 8th period I would find out the results of who would be continuing onto the General Election...... and sadly no, I will not be continuing on to be a possible Treasurer. That's alright tho- I will still gladly show up to the meetings and help with whatever way I can. :) So, after we found out the results, we got to leave. I got to roam the halls with some of my new found friends that also ran for an office, but didn't make it like myself. After we roamed for a while, the bell finally rang and I meet my friend Lukey- we went to his locker, then rehearsal! This is where my birthday got better. My good friend Emily got me a cookie cake! And everyone was like, "Happy Birthday, can I have cake? " Haha, I actually did turn a few people down, but mostly everyone got cake. Surprisingly, Greenwalt didn't have them sing for me. I guess once in choir is enough? Well, I would've enjoyed it again. I'm one of the ones that likes to get sung to. It's pretty! Especially when it's in choir and there's harmony and melody, it's just so pretty.

After rehearsal, I invited a few of my friends over for cake and ice-cream. We watched a movie, gabbed and ate way too much food! Haha, but it was fun. I liked watching the movie, keep in mind I still had a migraine through all of this- and the movie was a calming movie that I could just sit back and relax, and yes, you knew it would come- KNIT!

Knitting News--

The Baby Eyelet Blanket, IS COMPLETE!!!!!
~~pictures will be available when I get the camera

My Youth Director's Birthday Hat--
~~his birthday is Monday, and I have bible study on Tuesday- so I'll have it finished by then. The hat is a 2x2 rib and grey/black/deep blue colorways. Very pretty, but still masculine and will go with his eyes. haha

Steelers Socks
~~I honestly don't know where I've put those things... AHHH- I have to look for them!!

Cherry Tree Hill Socks
~~They go in my back-pack and my purse every now and then, but they are coming along.

Felted Bowl
~~I have not felted it yet, but once I do, it'll be very cute!! haha

Kelsey's Birthday (Christmas?) Scarf
~~Haha, yes- the scarf that I was going to give her for Christmas, IS FINALLY FINISHED!! :)

I'm sure I have other knitting- but I just can't think of it right now. Haha :)


DPUTiger said...

Happy Birthday!!! Michelle has plenty of Fannie's left for you at the store. Hope you can get down there for a little b-day shopping! :)

Demented said...

how about this? its my bithday today too.

SBTVD said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the SBTVD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear TKR! Happy Birthday to yoooooou!
yes, dear, you too will look back one day and say, "Holy CRAP! When did that happen?!?!" Enjoy every minute so that the years are not full of regret.
Have a great year!

LaurieG said...

Where's my cake? :) Will you be at BY this week? I want to give you your b-day present...