I'M DOWNTOWN!!! Living in Thayer Hall at Point Park University
~~~~check it out~~~ check it out~~
But what I've been up to is dancing. Yes who would of thought I'd keep on dancing? Haha-- but as a Business Finance & Economics major, you really wouldn't think I'd have the time. This explains my lack of blogging... And other lazy reasons beyond me that bothers me of my non-blogging issues.
Ok-- I get distracted so easily, I'm gunna say that right now. I'm supposed to be doing my Accounting homework, and I usually check out my e-mail first, which is with Yahoo! So I just did, and had to click on the peace news first. Well, these Filipino inmates must love love LOVE Michael Jackson--- they did a choreographed piece by him... Please check this out you probably won't regret it.... ~~~~~~~
Alright-- Since I'm throughly off task of homework, I think I should post some pictures :)
My new man and I went ice skating and had fun with all the holiday things downtown--- here's a picture of us before ice skating.
Notice the beautifully knit hat... from a while ago, but still!!! He was borrowing it and it does look good, no? Hahaha--
Confession.. Knitting has taken a back seat at school. Although I did finish a scarf during first semester, there hasn't been much knitting while I'm in school. I'm very busy and I want to make more time for it. I even wanted to start a knitting club, but had no idea how much I already had myself involved with--- It's time consuming being in college. Haha--
Well, I'm trying to bring back a modern class and to do this I must meet with one of my girls- haha-- I'm really going to try to do this more often. I have much more to talk about.
I'm going to finish my hot chocolate now, then go off to lunch-- talk to you later!!! I really will come back and type!!! With pictures!
<3 Carly
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