1st stop, South Hills Village.
Bath & Body Works to get more scent bug goodies. No candles allowed in the dorms, so a SCENT BUG is a really great way to get the BO hallway smell out of your room and keep it fresh :) {They come in a variety of colors now! When I got mine it only came in white... might have to get another- haha ;-) } I also got a free Signature item because I had a special card- oh was I in a Wild Honeysuckle mode :)
Victoria's Secret to get my 3, yes 3 free pairs of undies. Those cards can just build up in your wallet and then someone doesn't want one, oh the amount of free underwear I have in my drawer is awesome. Yay for those free undies cards! :)
Aerie; it's not the same as the one in South Side. I got my free gift and the past free gifts I got were costing money? Weird but ok. Next Thursday I'll go to my usual store :-P
Next stop, BORDERS!
I love Borders and book stores in general. I love to get lost in them and just enjoy all of it! Except I hope you all remember why I don't enjoy Barnes & Noble- They're mean to knitters. :-P Well, if you are one of my family members or close friends, you know me and my card sending, I had to get some more new cards. This time they are pink with pretty silver flowers that flow around the whole front of the card. Haha, I very much enjoy getting my new cards- you'll see them soon! I also got a book that I've really been wanting to read. LA Candy. I've started it, and I'm not sure my take on it quiet yet. I'll give it a few more chapters- it moves very quickly, but I'll keep you posted on my take on it.
The picture doesn't do the cards justice. You'll have to have a birthday or holiday to wait and see them :)
Pit-stop: Stopped at home to enjoy the pasta my mommy made for me. All her work buddies were so excited that I came home for break and that she was finally gunna make good food and bring it in for all of them. Haha-- of course if you know my mother, she LOVES to cook. Now, cooking for just one is a waste the way she cooks, so having me home allows for leftovers. We had bow-tie pasta with asparagus, butter and parmesan. Oh delicious!
Let's take a little drive to, ROBINSON-
DSW was my first stop because I am a girly girl and I love SHOES! I was probably in there for an hour or more. Trying on kick'n heals that would make me 6 foot and just look gorgeous on my feet ;-) hehe. I ended up getting a lovely pair of deep purple ballet fuzzed slippers, some gray blowfish ballet flats and some bearpaw white knit boots. Currently wearing the purple slippers that are SO comfy and already wore the knit boots yesterday. OH- must tell all of you that all my shoes were 40% in the clearance section and I had a $20 off coupon along with a giftcard from long ago that had about $10 on it. I ended up paying like $33. It was awesome, good feeling of getting great shoes for awesome prices! :) <3 shoes
IKEA is a WONDERFUL place. Anyone that wants to redecorate or has to go college chopping, you should DEFINITELY check it out. I am very lucky to be in Pittsburgh, where there is an IKEA. I know my Aunt in Cleveland would love an IKEA closer but no no, you must visit the Burgh to see it :). Though she has been to the IKEA that is in SWEDEN! The original- oh how fun that would be, it was cold there though- not that it's getting warm here or anything. Haha--- oh dear, my Spring Break and it's not even warm out. At least the sun is coming out today!
I start writing my posts one day and finish them the next-- this was started on Thursday, the post says Thursday but I'm publishing it Friday-- Oh dear. Haha, just try and stay with me if I reference to "today" two different times :)
ANYWAY- At IKEA, I found a comforter. FINALLY something to keep me warm at night while I'm home. Every time my mother leaves the house she puts the heat on 60 or 59. Just cold people. I think she forgets I'm home because I am a freeze baby and that is just not enough heat to keep me warm. She does this at night as well, so I'm cold at home. My bed before my IKEA run consisted of a flat sheet and a comforter cover. Which is basically a 2 ply flat sheet to explain it best- haha. So now that I've been to the greatest Sweden store in the Burgh, I have a comforter that is a level 3 of warmth. I slept like a baby last night and my Pudge Babe is so happy that her bed is so fluffy.
The comforter I bought is white and is in the cover that's the blue and white thing. Pudge didn't want me to cover it right away but I think she forgives me ;-)
Before my night was completely over, I got to make a final stop in my day to Bloomin' Yarns. The yarn store that got me really into it and that I miss visiting. But as a college student with my schedule, I think I'll only be able to visit during the summer months. Last night I did get to attend the Knit Night though, and I met a bunch of new knitting ladies. Let's see if I can remember their names.... Mary, Stevie, Melonie, Diane, Dara, Elise, Janet and Viviane. Haha-- I think I might have spelled a few names wrong but YES I remembered all their names :)
I was working on my leg warmers that I haven't picked up in quiet a while but now very into again. I think I forgot about them! Haha-- well here they are as a WIP (Work In Progress)
Oh my pretty baby just doesn't want to get off her new fluffed thrown- haha <3
Can't wait to continue knitting and enjoying my Spring Break, the few days I have left. Today will be spent with boyfriend, so I'll let you all know what we do today later ;-). Until then, ENJOY MY BABY!
<3 Carly
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viens mon beau chat!...
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