I've been distracted by tulips looking so good on my desk and GREEK's last season!
BUT, Let me tell you about JURY DUTY-
which I found out about, the night before. Not my favorite thing to do while I'm a full time college student. First off, I had to be there at about 8:30 AM. I can't believe I got there around 8:20!!! That's really early for me, I'm usually still in bed until 8:30 (picking your schedule and deciding when to have class is AWESOME!). We had a few papers to fill out, then the judge talked to us about, "DON'T repeat any of these cases or anything. And if someone asks you again, just say judge (insert name here) said I could not." Very interesting day.
I got a 10% discount at my FAVORITE place, Franktuary of course ;-) & worked on my sock most of the day. It's been a while, January 19th I actually finished my sock (that was my day I was summoned for jury duty). But I haven't yet finished my second one.

There is my finished sock! hahaha-- && Here is the progress of the WIP.

Now, classes again are homework loaded. And I just came from ballet so before I do some Econ homework and eat dinner, I'm going to shower. Until then, here is my Frequent Franking Buddy Addie & I conquering EVIL DR. PORK CHOP!

<3 Carly
{P.S. Can you BELIEVE it's almost FEBRUARY ALREADY!?!?}