My Muddy Buddies lasted maybe 3-4 days? Haha- the staff really enjoyed them but they ALL think it's called this silly term, "puppy chow". Yes, I've heard this term before, but CLEARLY WRITTEN ON THE SIDE OF CHEX CEREAL BOXES THEY HAVE THEM CALLED AS MUDDY BUDDIES!!! Just FYI ;-)
During my 3 days of Spring Training I had some arts & crafts to do, new name tags, update the decorations on the floor and a Where is Carly? thing for my residents. I made it so that it matches the theme of the floor.
I LOVE WALL-E! I have a back up, because in most colleges things out in the hallways are destroyed. My back up is Remy from Ratatouille though. I just love all the PIXAR films. My mom has a crush on Mr. Incredible whenever he starts working out and looking good ;-) Hahahaha---
While back at school, I've obviously finished my fingerless gloves so I need something to keep my hands busy. I've picked my sock back up! &&& Just in time, the colors look like Valentine's Day and they're my first socks for myself. Funny that they are my 3rd pair though. I made my first pair for my Uncle Bob in Cleveland-- Those Steeler socks ;-) -- Then I made a pair for Bloomin' Yarns, but might have just made one... I'm not sure I remember because it has been a while. I will make 2 for myself though, I would like matching (ish) socks.
I don't think you can tell in the photo but my needles are about to snap. They are size 1 Crystal Palace double points. I went to the only yarn store downtown and she doesn't carry any 1's.... that are double points.... I think she might have had circulars but she just does NOT have a good selection. I need to make a trip out to Bloomin's over the weekend. My mommy wants her pair of fingerless gloves- she's kind of DEMANDING them, Haha. && I need more double points because I am only on sock number 1.
Well, I think I might start to do some homework before ballet today. Only having one class on Tuesday/Thursday is completely strange, but I think I'm going to like it :)
<3 Carly
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