My plan for the day was to have brunch, work on a paper, go to the PAAR photo shoot, paper/exam studying and then some dinner and homework and meeting then grocery shopping.
Brunch went as planned, and I finished my cowl before hand! But took photos afterward ;-)
I got a poster from the Oscar's Best Picture Event I went to yesterday,,, which I will explain shortly, but it was a good thing to use backwards and have as a great background :)
It's sooo much better than the first one. A thicker, better sized cowl.
I got a lot of knitting done at this Oscar's Best Picture Event- In between each picture I would do a row or two :)
This Oscar's Event was down at the Lowes Waterfront. They did it for two Saturday's (but we thought there was going to be a 24 hr event... ) and we got to go to this one!
As you know, I'm a CF here at PPU and we got to take some residents to this lovely event! Campus Life made it so that we could go for a better price(which was super helpful).
This is me and my friend Danielle during our dinner break! In between Inception and The Social Network we got to run to Starbucks and Panera. We really needed that Starbucks- we both tried taking naps in Inception (Inception is basically our favorite- but because we've seen it so many time- it was the only movie we COULD nap during).
ANYWAYS- the movies were the following;
11 am Winter's Bone
1 pm Black Swan
3:10 pm Inception
6:45 pm The Social Network
9 pm The King's Speech
It was a tough day, I had no idea how much movie watching drains you! TOTALLY worth it though. I plan on doing this again next year- and actually watching all 10 haha--
Now I deal with the dragging of trying to do homework-- wanting to start my pair of socks, but needing different needles... Looks like it's a scarf next on the agenda of the knit world. My Sunday Scramble is me wanting to nap, but having to get this paper done, but also wanting to knit and watch Gilmore Girls. OHH the complications... It's basically almost Spring Break and I'm lagging no matter what-- let's get this week done!
Til next time ;-) <3
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