I finished yet another project :) The little booties that got it all started. I forget if I mentioned that I made more booties for girls at my work. They're a hot item. OH and I just remembered I got another order from someone at school when I was sewing in the loose ends on these. LOOK HOW CUTE!
Adding ruffles definitely makes these a selling point. They're soo cute already and just putting that ruffle on makes it the cutest thing for girls. The order I got from here at school is for a boy so I'm thinking back to the original pattern, just plain and simply adorable.
1st week back at school (besides my melting room), was good. I like to wait a week or two before I really know what a semester is going to be like but I like it so far. Lots of books though. They totally killed my wallet with the books. EVERY class had to have the book. It's insane! I spent $640 on books, then my one professor is actually letting me use his text book from a previous edition so if I would've spent more on that it would've probably been closer to actually spending $800. THAT'S TOO MUCH! Can we please remind textbook companies that they sell their textbooks to poor college students? I'm not made of money to spend solely on textbooks. I like food!
Food brings me to Rib Fest. OH my gosh so good. I was waiting all weekend for it :) Got to go with my good friend Danielle. I tweeted a picture if you want to check it out ;-)
Well I guess I should get some homework done. It's still weird getting back in the swing of things. Summer classes totally aren't the same and I will never do that again (remind me not to do that again).
<3 Carly ;-)
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