The Hoyt Arboretum was our first stop in this tree hugging venture of ours. This may make me sound like I'm making fun of my man for wanting to visit the trees but it's really not at all. He was an absolute sweetheart going from yarn shop to yarn shop with me, walking all over the city and spending a week with me in the city in general. I love you handsome =), you are the best. Anyway, just the bus ride up to the Hoyt Arboretum was beautiful. Big beautiful houses, another park was passed, Washington Park (more people jogging and dog walking in the first park because it had a bit more sun than Hoyt), and then the big beautiful trees. I kid you not when we looked at these trees, they were huge. We both looked at each other and said, they do not have such big trees back in PA. Look how thick and tall they are! We went in to the little greetings center and the woman was telling us that these trees weren't even that old, but they're getting there.
I don't know if you can see it's a little bit more greener in Jared's picture, but I tried the outside scenery option on my digital camera and holy smokes it just made everything pop! Haha, I'm just in a dress walking through the park, haha. I thought that was the best part. I wore pants and jeans everyday except the last because I wanted to wear my cute little dress for our tasting of breweries. Well woops because we went to the park, haha. Totally fine though. It wasn't like a hiking trip or anything. We were used to all the walking we had going on already.
Now I took a lot of pictures of all the nature. I didn't necessarily get a good job of capturing the big tall and beautiful trees as best I could, but I'm little and my camera is just a simple point and shoot, haha.
Now the redwood trees are what my man really wanted to see. They were gorgeous. We enjoyed looking out at the "Redwood Deck".
We've decided that we both just have little bit of odd smiles, haha. If you see, my man's smile goes up a little bit more in one corner than the other. We've been dating for some time now and I just realized it going through our Portland pictures. Also, if I don't smile fully (if we both don't smile fully), I don't like my smile. I'll just stop the smile tangent there, haha.
Just some more lovely pictures from our little hike =)
Now after Hoyt we were going to go to the Japense Garden, the only thing stopping us was the $20 it would have costed us... Luckily it was right next to Washington Park so we just roamed there for a little. Washington Park had a lovely rose garden, but because those were not in bloom, we just enjoyed the walking around.
We took our bus back to the city, I went back to my knitting, and then we went on our brewery tour. We may or may not have gotten more doughnuts, hehe.
Here's my proof of knitting in Portland! =)
<3 Carly
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