I have so much to do, so much left for the last few weeks, but I need to continue to remind myself to enjoy the last few weeks. I've been told by friends all around me that I really do need to just relax. I think I've listened to them a little too much. I am rather calm for all the work I have left to do. I am glad that some of it is done but heres what's left.
MBA Class:
Final DONE
20 Page Research Paper DONE
PR Intro Class:
Events Calendar DUE TUESDAY
Present PR Plan TUESDAY
Geography Class:
Paper on Economics of India (how Ironic right?) DUE TUESDAY
Independent Study:
15 Page Term Paper DUE MONDAY
It doesn't look like a lot, but I am also applying to jobs, trying to find a place to live, and not pull my hair out because of pet fees for a cat I don't even own yet!
My man doesn't want a pet in his house but for my apartment I will be getting a little kitten or adopt an elder cat. I want to name the cat Shia or Channing so I can come home to Shia Labeouf or Channing Tatum. Hahaha, yes, I really thought this through. The stressful thing about looking up apartments is that the location may or may not have parking. You may be tricked into the "maintenance fees" that consist of a 1 a summer lawn cutting. Reading the reviews on google or yelp is very helpful. Then there are the awesome stared sections of "$295 non-refundable pet fee, then $25 per pet, per month (limit 2)". WHAT IS THAT FEE FOR?! Are you taking my pet to the doctors 5 times a year for me? I promise I will get their shots. I also promise to clean their shit. Also, do you have an animal? Are you charged an extra $300 down payment and $25/month per pet on your property? NO? Maybe in taxes there is a non-refundable pet fee. Still no? Hmmm, why then are you charging me $300+ to own an animal? I don't even understand it. And I don't even have a place or cat of my very own yet.
Anyway, the job hunting feels like another class. There are a lot of online profiles and personality profiles that companies want to check. They also want you to do these on PC's (but I love my MAC). It's all fine and easy because they are just about me but they are time consuming. I just want a job when I graduate. Something that pays.
Now onto my knitting. I finished my man's stocking just a few weeks ago, FINALLY, I know.
Very happy with how it turned out. It's HUGE but it looks good. I used duplicate stitch to put his name up top and I think it looks really good. I was going to use a darker blue but I think it would've looked too harsh. I was originally going to make myself one just the same but I think I may use a different pattern from the holiday knits book I bought around Christmas time. I should start now so it'll be ready for Santa before XMAS EVE, hahaha.
I'm working on some socks now. I seriously dream about knitting now and really wanted a pair of purple socks. Luckily I had some MadelineTosh purple (Flashdance) sock yarn that I have wounded up and started. It's slow moving because I have to use US 1's to get gauge but they're going to be gorgeous when finished.
I also finished my first shawl! Which desperately needs blocked, but with yarn from Portland! =) I really want to wind up some of the the tweedy looking yarn for hats for me and my man but I must resist until all the assignments up above are complete.
Alright, I have procrastinated enough. I must get back to my term paper now.
<3 Carly
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