HELLO!!! Don't know how I found time to do this.. I pulled it up last time I was on the computer- which was only for about 5 minutes just to check e-mail- then I went to go take a shower because I wanted to look nice for the Percussion Concert I got to sing in with the choir. Yes, I'm in the choir and we sounded pretty sweet. That's in my terms- everyone said we sounded very nice. :)
Anyhoo- in knitting news I haven't been real busy since the Animal Crackers Hat that I made in an hour. Yes, I got a request to have one made for someone as a Christmas gift and finished it in an hour... Here it is!

Since this hat was requested, I did ask for money. I am a person who loves to knit for love. But if someone requests something from me. I think asking for money is reasonable.
Other knitting I have done is working on another square for the shop. I made it a little big, but it is still a very pretty pink square of waves. The other somewhat productive work are my hats- I've started another hat-- it's starting out with brown ribbing. It's for a guy, so I don't know if I should make it all brown or add another mascolynn color. Not orange though, remember that this is STEELERs/PENGUINs county. So anyother color you can think of would be helpful.
The reason I have been so busy is choir. We've had rehearsal's after school almost everyday and the concerts were Friday and Saturday- then my Orchestra concert was Thursday and had a rehearsal for that Monday night- the Musical rehearsal right after that on Monday. And Tuesday I had dance, then Wednesday I had work. Now it's Saturday and I had dance from 9am ta 5pm; then the concert. Now tomorrow I have church, then I think I might go to Bloomin's just because I need my knitting fix and some more yarn for a few last gifts. By the way- How is your Holiday knitting coming along??
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