As you can see- I have not been sleeping that much :). In history class, they show those awful videos from PBS. I'm sure they are very informative! But when someone is talking to you about history- IN MONOTONE- how are you supposed to follow?? I just can't do it- my eyes fall very droopy and I really am trying to listen!! I used to knit in this class- and videos were ok to listen to- I ACTUALLY FOLLOWED! Well, this is the same teacher that threatened a Saturday detention for knitting in class because apparently it's the same as texting. But now that I have nothing to do with my hands- my eyes just tend to shut and my head just seems to fall. I am still listening but I'm trying so hard to stay awake and not have her yell at me for having my head on the desk with my eyes shut that & I'm just freaking out too much about a monotone video!! ahh!!!
Ok, sorry, I just had to vant that little bit out.
Here are updates on my knitting~~~
The scarf that distracts me from my x-mas knitting. It's beautiful, and started out as an x-mas gift, but then I just couldn't resist and now it's mine.

These are the completed hats that I have done for da boys--- and I've already casted on for another...

My hopefully finished sock by the deadline-

My second finished square that I forgot to talk about completely! It was a Hollywood pink and so pretty. The pictures doesn't do it justice. In fact, none of the pictures look as good as they do in person.

Those are supposed to be waves if you were wondering....
This is what is going to keep me from sleeping even more- those knit bright needles, and the delicious Loft yarn! I don't know what it is, but I just like working with it- and the other one in my distraction project- aler or something?? But those two together is just wonderful

This picture is for my east coast aunt- hope I did a good job for the button loop!

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