It didn't start off too too great, but with a sore throat I'm bound to be a little blah- to put it best. I had to finish a paper and turn it in by six and let's just say I'm one of the best procrastinator's and I think I thrive on it. ANYTHING else I'd get done on time, or even early- but something with a definite deadline, oh yeah, last minute.
This all happened Friday by the way-- I'm a little behind, hehe :)
Once I finished my paper, sent it in, I started to remember what the day was, and what I was supposed to find out-- my CF position! I don't know if I mentioned this in here before, but I did the long process of applying to be a CF- which is a Community Facilitator, like an RA- Residential Advisor, for next year. I had to have two letters of recommendation, a current resume, attend a meeting about all of that, along with two workshops an interview and two papers for them. Yeah, I did it all and at 4:45 they sent the e-mail confirming my hard work paid off-- you're currently reading the blog of a CF for the upcoming school year at Point Park University 2010-2011! hahah <3 I'm so excited and I so can't wait!
There are perks to this new job of mine that I shall discuss when the time is right, but all my hard work is not yet done. I have accepted the position and now my training will happen. I have two weeks of training this summer, move in early and then spring training, meaning I come back early from spring break. As my schedule isn't busy enough already, I will be one busy bee next year.
After finding out about my new job for next year :) :) :) I texted some friends and my mother just to inform them- they all praised me and told me I needed to celebrate. I celebrated by watching a movie and doing my nails with one of my friends still here on PPU's spring break.
Once we finished the movie we were hungry and although spring break doesn't technically start until today- the Point Cafe had odd hours Friday. They closed at 6. We were pretty bummed but my friend convinced me to go to R & B's with her- a pizza place just up a block on Smithfield's. I just didn't want to go with it being so cold and my stupid sore throat didn't go away after three cups of tea, but somehow she still convinced me. As we were walking, I got a phone call. I didn't know this number but hey, maybe they're not one of the annoying telemarketers that have gotten a hold of my number :-P.
To my surprise it was NOT one of those icky telemarketers, it was Buca De Beppo! My friend Liz and I, who I was walking with, had applied there back in January and they said they probably would be hiring in March. Oh my goodness, it was an awesome two or three minute phone call. I have an interview for Monday, to be a waitress or hostess and I am so psyched! I already picked out what I'm wearing, thank you to a girl from work for giving me a TON of clothes she doesn't want anymore and somehow I fit into perfectly. The only thing left is to pick a good hair-do.
I'm gunna think of a good one while I go get the rest of my laundry, finally going home tonight--- I think. ;-)
I love the city-
Love Carly <3

hoping to do well!!! :)