ARE THEY CRAZY!?!?! I have 5 classes and I'm sorry but I can't read a chapter for Psychology, Accounting and Government Systems all in one night-- I might hurt myself. Not just physically, but probably mentally hurt my brain. I was trying to concentrate in the "Oh so Important Lecture" in government today (a half hour spent on the perks of the President-- He gets all the Coke or Pepsi he wants, along with M&M's and other stuff) but I was blending all my classes together as one. I took this note that made me think of Correlations- what we talked about in Psychology last class, then that related to math- which lead to Accounting and I was trying to find the Residual Value and write a journal entry. ALL IN ONE THOUGHT I DID THIS.. I wanted to slap myself and yell FOCUS!
Times like this I want to watch Jeff Dunham for an hour and just laugh at Achmed. That's not how you spell it though; it's really spelled A-C-some flem-- haha, seriously, just search Jeff Dunham. He's good. Some profanity is said while he is performing... So a PG-13 rating I'll give him... Just in case you need to tell the kids to leave the room-- You'll really want to watch him-- :)
Here's a video with Peanut-- his first guy PEANUT
Here's an Achmed video--- he's funny! ACHMED
BUT BACK TO MY POINT.... ALL my teachers told us that we need to read the chapters. I completely agree, but it's just so much reading! Are you taking five classes that tell you to do the readings along with other projects on the side that actually count for points. I realize I must grasp the subject before doing well on the project, but this chapter is forty pages long and you want a 3 page paper done on outside research. . . . Which one am I going to do first? I think the Research because that's points. See this is where they just screw ya and make you feel like crap. This is how they all said that we should be reading:
Accounting teacher: You know you guys really need to be reading the chapters. I know they're long and probably boring, but they're really going to help you on the test. If you don't read you're not going to do well on the test. (This teacher doesn't teach. I had her last semester and we correct her a lot of the time. Yet she still tells us we don't know what we're doing. I don't like learning from the teacher reading a powerpoint.... She didn't do that last semester :( )
Psychology teacher: Now whoever read chapter two please enlighten us. . . . silence . . . You guys really have to read the chapters, in fact we're not going to do this part of the chapter in class because it goes too much in depth so do that on your own (20 pages of a part in the chapter that's important and will be tested. I'll read it, but honestly-- really? Fine..... I like this teacher, so I'll give him the ok.)
Government teacher: You guys have to take notes during my lectures and really read the chapters. If you don't read the chapters you'll fail. (This guy is sometimes interesting.. but we usually spend the first half hour to an hour discussing nonsense... The chapters in the book are so dry, so long and oh I could fall asleep just talking about the yawn these books give you)
I'll complain about tomorrows teachers telling us to read tomorrow, I'm sure. I just want to know if this is how it was for everyone else??! Is this how our teachers teachers handled their homework and learning of the subject-- or teaching of the subject. I feel like we have to self teach and I don't remember signing up for that. Might as well tell us to stay in our dorm, read the whole book and take an exam. Then do some outside projects with research and we'll grade you from there. All this class time on lectures is cutting into my reading your textbook time. Oh, and forget about fun. That's gone-- you better read a chapter again so you'll be ready for whatever the lecture will be about.
Am I ranting... I apologize, I don't think I should be in lecture classes. I enjoyed them the first two weeks, now I don't think I know what is going on...
To be continued. . .
I went to the PENS GAME Monday night. Pens v. Sabers--- 5-4 and Sydney Crosby got a Hat TRiCK!!!!
Oh it was wonderful--- my favorite picture of the night--
Me and Boyfriend <3
Alright-- he is a quiet guy, and for those of you that know me--- I'm not. Hahaha-- I was SCREAMING at this event, I mean come on- IT'S HOCKEY!!!! The guy next to me was covering his ears when I would participate with the "Crowd getting LOUDER"
signs on the Jumbo Tron. =) But boyfriend just wouldn't scream- I tried to get him to, but apparently just likes to observe... Funny-- I like to INVOLVE myself-- Hahaha-
Anyway-- funny story after the game... We lost the car. I go to school downtown and I should know this city, but you have to get lost a few times, just before you know your way around. This is how my mom explained it to me and I'll stick with that. But we really lost the car. I don't know if you looked at the temperature that night, but it was cold. We went to the wrong parking garage right after the game... Walked onto the right floor-- 3, but couldn't find 3e and the colors were different, same with the layout... So we decided to go down the elevator to floor one and walk around to find the real parking garage.. I have a feeling some people are laughing at me right now- go ahead, we totally went over how we walked to the arena a certain way--- this was funny. We probably searched for it for a half hour... We finally found the car-- got out of the garage and we got free parking!!!! Hahaha-- the plus to getting lost :)
Well, I think my floor is having a meeting then I might have to read a chapter in a book or two :-P
I'll post again though, don't worry!--- This is a good break from all that reading ;-)
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