Hahaha--- Not that I need one, I'm finally getting back in the groove after the snow break, is there really a need for a spring break to get us further off course?? Oh and get this, the university wants teachers to make up for the classes missed. I thought because PA was in a "State of Emergency" we technically didn't have to make up anything. Plus-- classes were to resume on Thursday but the University said if you couldn't get there safely it wouldn't be held against you----
Now I'm confused. My classes were canceled by the professors on Thursday because it was still too rough for them to leave their houses. My one teacher is just waving by the make-up idea, which I prefer-- another is doing the same because they wanted her to reschedule on Saturday?! No no--- I have class during the week and my weekends are my weekends. I dance every Saturday morning and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one not to show up to a Saturday reschedule class. I just hope my English teacher agrees with the first two and not do anything about the demands of the University. They closed school-- not our fault they made us miss class, it was the snow. End of that story hopefully...
WELL--- on happy note--- OLYMPICS!!! hahah--- Now let me show you a video....
That's right--- MITTENS!!!
After watching this video on Yahoo! News-- I decided to get a pair.... on EBAY! I lost my first try--- someone out bided me in the last few seconds. The second time, I WON!!! It was a cheaper bid too so that's a PLUS!!! Haha--- My mittens should be arriving soon, and I'll take a picture when they get here :)
Since I really wanted to watch the olympics during my break, and they won't even be on, I'm planning on knitting something over my break. To show pictures of my current workings.... Please hold... HAHAH--- laptop = good time :)

This one I want to incorporate other colors, so it's only the beginning--- I want it to match the fair-isle Harry Potter hat if possible... WIP- :)

This is a very pretty skein of yarn but it was given to me a while back and not sure if I could find another like it....

My ballet teacher-- THAT KNITS TOO! thought of pairing it with just another skein that's variegated in similar weight and what not. I like this idea-- but must do some searching :)
Alright, must do a paper then study for a midterm... :-P dance tonight! <3
I'll be back-- no worries ;-)
<3 Carly
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