Well, I know I haven't posted in a few days but I've been having socks on the brain. It's quite addicting once you finish a pair. Didn't realize at first, but now I know. They're so comfy, they're for yourself, and if you decide to give a pair, whoever will receive them better love them or else! Hahaha-
I wasn't sure if I had the right gauge for these *Sleepwalker Socks*, but I do =)
They are coming along just SWIMMINGLY!! But I get the same questions over and over again, "Oh are you making baby booties?" "Those are so small, what are they for?" . People. I am making a sock. Yes, they start off small, but eventually they will fit my feet. I can see you questioning that as well- "Are you sure they'll fit you?" I really want to answer no. No, they're not going to fit me, I'm making them for laughs, or to hang on my wall. Why would I wear them? They might fall apart. PEOPLE LISTEN! We knitters knit to enjoy the knitted things we make. We also give them away to let others know we love them enough to give these knitted items away. We love yarn, we wouldn't knit it wrong {and if we do, we frog, be sad and redo}.
That was my little rant for the crazies that are wondering all these things... Ugh--
BUT I am also trying to knit my Steelers Socks. I want to do them toe-up (might have mentioned this before), and this is the attempt I am doing.
I want to be able to use all the yarn so that these will be comfy cozy and VERY warm. I'm not sure if I should continue following this video that teaches me a toe-up previsional cast-on but then I have patterns in my book that could also work. I also need more needles because splitting 5 needles up between 2 socks isn't working out so well... Haha---
&& then here are my flowers... Aren't they gorgeous. After a week they still look good =) very sweet my friendly man is.
Now I must go back to my tea and laundry. Time to switch it into the dryers :)
Until next time! <3 Carly
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