On the up side, I finished my 1st sock of the Sleepwalker pair <3
I showed it to my history teacher (I would knit before he started class and he commented on it a few times. Knitting being a dying art and all-) and he asked me if I had a bundle of joy on the way.... No sir, just because I knit doesn't mean I'm pregnant. Also, what I'm really curious is that does a sock made for a woman's 8 really look like it's for a baby? I hate all these assumptions made by people. So I'm going to list some things about why I knit: I knit because I enjoy it. I enjoy making something for myself & others. Just because I knit does not mean I'm 70 years old. Just as well, knitting does not mean I'm pregnant. The skills acquired from knitting help me with math, patients and hand eye coordination.
{These next few I've said before..} Those holes are eyelets. My sock or knitted item will not fall apart when I wear it because those are bigger holes than others. Yes I do wear these. I will make another. I do have multiple projects at once, but I tend to knit ONE thing at a time in my hands. I can't knit both socks at the same time (yes there are ways to do this, but I like making one sock at a time right now thank you very much). I'd also like to ask a question to the non-knitters out there; Why do you ask these things? Do I ask you why you're drinking coffee instead of tea? Or why you go on facebook all day long? Do I ask you if your pregnant because you're drinking milk all the time? I don't appreciate these assumptions, and I'm sure that you don't like the assumptions I would make of you
Anyway- maybe it's because I'm still young and they expect me to have a hobble and wrinkles while I knit. There are PLENTY of us without wrinkles that knit. I'll continue to complain about this on later occasions. Until then- please let others know that assumptions are rude.
NEXT on the knitting front. I've started my 2nd Sleepwalker sock and I'm also considering a Lacy Scarf :) It's from a book I just got and I seriously want to make EVERYTHING in it! Haha-
Side note... I take pictures while I Blog or after I've typed everything. My camera has rechargable batteries and they die A LOT. Not in the sense that I use them all the time, I do, but I feel like every 2 times I turn my camera on, they're already dead. I must look into a new camera because I'm not liking all these charges not working. I just tried to use my camera for my socks and it was the first time I put them in after charging them (still in the charger-- but not the outlet anymore) and it flashed low battery after the 1st picture, turned off after the 3rd... Problem there. ALL fixed now.. Haha--
Stay tuned for the Lacy Scarf and progress on sock 2 ;-)
<3 Carly
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