Post Grad just enjoying the Pittsburgh life, knitting, cooking, baking, and still sipping tea. Always trying my best ;-)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Christmas!
Well, there is my inevitable camera news, and here is the new knitting news. I am almost finished with mum's x-mas day scarf, and we'll open gifts for each other on x-mas eve morning before we travel to see family for the holiday. The socks that I have been working on... found a hole in my knitting bag and haven't been seen in a while. Now I'm just hoping I'll finish one for Christmas morning to tell him the other will be finished as soon as I can. All I have to do for the others is wrap them! I've done good- starting in June, REALLY helps~ :)
Hope everyone has a great holiday-- HAPPY CHRISTMAS-- HAPPY EID-- HAPPY HANUKKAH-- HAPPY KWANZAA-- &&& all the rest inbetween <<33
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Down Town~

here are the rest of the loverly pics <<33

~~~~~~keep knitt'n, there's not much time left...
OH &&& if you can guess where the 1st of these last 4 is from... you get cookies!! :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My english debate procrasternating and EPIC news!!

And some more snow~~~
poooy!! It's blurry--- I'll get a better one next time...
Okay- knitting news. My hats are definitely my super power. And it's totally awesome that if I just leave my hat in the back room at work- people knit it for me!! And I taught all of them,,, so guess what---- they're all continental!! WOOO!!! But seriously- I'm so close to finishing the sock- now that I got another part of the pattern. My plan is to finish one before x-mas.
Now here is the EPIC news--- only 363 people in front of me on raverly!!! WOOO!!! I am soo close!! I know that I'll get my invite when I'm supposed to be working on blue books- I kind of figured it would do that to me just cuz that's how life goes for me. But there is my EPIC news.
Safe driving out there- GO PENS!! & PRAY FOR A SPEEDY FLEURY RECOVERY!! <<33
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Where is the Blogspher going??
As you can see- I have not been sleeping that much :). In history class, they show those awful videos from PBS. I'm sure they are very informative! But when someone is talking to you about history- IN MONOTONE- how are you supposed to follow?? I just can't do it- my eyes fall very droopy and I really am trying to listen!! I used to knit in this class- and videos were ok to listen to- I ACTUALLY FOLLOWED! Well, this is the same teacher that threatened a Saturday detention for knitting in class because apparently it's the same as texting. But now that I have nothing to do with my hands- my eyes just tend to shut and my head just seems to fall. I am still listening but I'm trying so hard to stay awake and not have her yell at me for having my head on the desk with my eyes shut that & I'm just freaking out too much about a monotone video!! ahh!!!
Ok, sorry, I just had to vant that little bit out.
Here are updates on my knitting~~~
The scarf that distracts me from my x-mas knitting. It's beautiful, and started out as an x-mas gift, but then I just couldn't resist and now it's mine.

These are the completed hats that I have done for da boys--- and I've already casted on for another...

My hopefully finished sock by the deadline-

My second finished square that I forgot to talk about completely! It was a Hollywood pink and so pretty. The pictures doesn't do it justice. In fact, none of the pictures look as good as they do in person.

Those are supposed to be waves if you were wondering....
This is what is going to keep me from sleeping even more- those knit bright needles, and the delicious Loft yarn! I don't know what it is, but I just like working with it- and the other one in my distraction project- aler or something?? But those two together is just wonderful

This picture is for my east coast aunt- hope I did a good job for the button loop!

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Busy Busy Busy Bee

Saturday, December 1, 2007
PICTURES!! && more life~~

I'll just put a bunch of them up for the dog's, cuz they're just too cute!!!

I think I might have had food in my hand for her to be that close to me.

Here are the pictures of my knitting updates.

This is the scarf that I finished up all the yarn for it the first day! It's not even done and yet I still want to wear it--- always my problem.
This is how far I got on the Steelers sock when I was out in Vegas. Right now I'm working on it and it's further along than the picture- but I haven't gotten to the heel yet.
Now, my favorite picture!! I just finished the Animal Crackers Hat last night and SOOO enjoyed wearing it today already. I'll leave you with a smile <<33

I am #64736 in line and there are 8861 people in front of me.
This may take a while... hmm... I'll go finish that Animal Crackers Hat til then. :D
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Whoa- what a week.
So after spending some fun time with family in Vegas, we took a whole day to travel home. First it started in the Vegas airport... We sat there waiting for the plane, eating our breakfast when my mother realized something... Our flight got canceled. Yeah, they canceled our flight. So my mother went up to the counter and asked, what's going on? How is our flight just canceled? We have another plane to catch! Yeah, so our first plane was supposed to fly us to Phoenix, then we would get a plane to Pittsburgh from there. Well, instead of doing that, they put us on new flights. We'd fly from Vegas to Boston, Boston to Pittsburgh. We met quite a cute guy in Boston, who just happens to go to the same school as my cousin from Vegas! So we chatted with him for a while in Boston, then got on the 40 minute flight from Boston to Pittsburgh. This was a scary flight for mommy. It was thunder storming, and there was lots of turbulence. Then there was some lightning towards the end and it really scared her. But once the plane landed and we were walking off the plane onto the hallway thing you walk through and--- it just smelled light home. Yes it was raining, but that's home for ya. It just smelled beautiful! We were finally home. So we got down to baggage claim and waited around for out luggage. I love pulling luggage off the thing. It makes me feel so strong- especially when you see the buff guys having trouble when I just pull them off like they're little pillows. It might be cuz of work and me lifting all those trays, but I just enjoy it. But the thing was in Pittsburgh, they never came!! That's right, they lost our luggage. So my mother made me run around the luggage thingy like 3 times then she finally decided to go and tell them that they had lost our luggage. We got their phone number and would call back around 11- 11:30. During the time that my mother was talking to the people in there, I got to chat with the Boston guy. He was super sweet and just talked to me the whole time <<33 Well, after that lovely chat I had with the Boston boy- we got picked up and went to Rose's for a little welcome home party- this is where I lost my camera. I'll get it back soon- and that's when I'll post the pictures from Thanksgiving.
On to knitting news...
I did take pictures of my knitting when I was away and I got quite a lot done! The socks that I'm making- they are already 4 1/2"!!! That's how long they are now, I've just measured them, but I got a lot done in Vegas as well. I aslo finished a hat, on the plane out there. Yeah, on the plane! haha, it was so funny- one of the flight attendents was also a knitter! YAY KNITTERS!! haha- and she was so impressed with the finished hat, and of course I will show off my work :). I also started a scarf while I was on the plane. And I finished up all my yarn on that project, the first day! Yeah, I'm that quick- or that's how quick a mistake rib goes. While we were there, we had a mini-Christmas!! Just like I said- and let's just say that my knitting went over very well. Along with my homemade Steeler blanket that my Uncle just LOVED.
Now time for the Whoa part of my week. So Tuesday-- first day back to school- goes well, then I come home, rest a bit, and get ready for dance. Before dance, mother and I went to Chick'fil'a. I do like this restaurante- my mother and I won free food for a year there! So we go often. So after dinner, I went to dance- it was a very good dance class for me this week. Especially for me missing like 2 weeks of dance witht the break- it felt like 2 weeks. But once I got home, I had an awful stomach ache. Then just had bad visits to bathroom. Then throughout the whole night- the toilet and I, we really got to know each other very well. Too well for my liking. After a painful night of that- I woke up very week Wednesday morning- and still white as a ghost. It took me a while to accept that I haven't threw up in a while, and actually try and eat something. By the end of the day I did have some rice and crackers. I also had some liquids. But then I went to bed. But when I woke up this morning- I felt a ton better. I actually had breakfast- but skipped lunch- just some toast. Then when my mother came home, she made some kit-reed's and more rice, with gravy this time. She gave me big portions, so it took me more to eat it, but I did eat a good share. Right now I'm just getting more rest and trying to eat some more, while getting hydrated more.
I'll update you on other stuff once I get that camera back! <<33 peacie :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
I have finished the weather wear to warm a certain boy in need that goes to college in a colder area then the one he mostly grew up in ;) & have started the socks, YES SOCKS! (not like her's exactly, but roughly-) for the uncle who lives in a city with one of our cities most biggest rivials!
Ok- does anyone know who I'm talking about??? If no, GOOD. I was going for that, just in case they actually read these, but I honestly don't think they do.
Well, I am again, SUPER EXCITED, for Vegas (Remember those cute guys who robbed the casino's?? I love looking at the water there too! ) on Wednesday. Not so pumped to leave my house around 6 or 5:45 AM!! But, super excited to see some family. I haven't asked what I will be doing after turkey day, but I'm sure there could be some time to go find a Vegas Knitting store... :) We'll see. But I'm pretty sure I will be getting my hair cut & colored the day I get there! So if you forget what my hair looks like... It'll be different when I get back :) lol~~
I'm off to go finish up my laundry for the trip- I'll be packing tonight and tomorrow night. I've set a limit of only taking 3 projects. What do you think?? Too many? Not enough?? I'll be gone for almost a week.... Let me know, cuz I most definately do NOT want to run out of knitting to do. (6" ribbing for a sock, a beanie hat, & a new square for Bloomin's)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Onto knitting news... I have been knitting probably more than sleeping ;) . I stayed up last night watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding while knitting the square I am working on for Bloomin's current project. It's a blanket with all these different patterned squares and I have the V one. It has like a pacman kind of thing on it going upward. I like knitting it and I stayed up 'til midnight knitting it. :) I am also knitting another hat. One to match one of the scarves I have done for a fella I know is freezing in his new climate. I must find a good glove pattern. One with or without fingers. But it must be male approved or something along those lines. Any suggestions are welcome!
Now I must be getting ready to go to rehearsal! I actually have some acting now. I am a reporter... who gets very confused, but smiles and sings anyway. I get to stand right in front of my daughter! Did I mention I have a daughter?? In the show silly, don't drop your jaw. I'm actually going to another show with my half sister I think, from the show. lol, the family tree from Bye Bye Birdie is getting complicated. I should right this all down... - :) <<33 laters
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
That's Right Folks.
I had dance today- love love love dance. And got to sell more candy! :) I also got to watch Beauty & the Beast with my good friend Emily- and guess what we did WHILE watching?!? KNITTING!!! Oh yes, I have converted a good friend into a good knit and watch tv bud. I'm so happy. :)
OK, at the end of the long weekend, I must realize reality- I have homework to do... And this is keeping me from it.. <<33 laters~
Saturday, November 3, 2007
WOOO!!! :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Well, with school and musical and work.... hmmm.... school 1st, tomorrow is mole day. How exciting is that??? They want us to wake up at like 4 to get there by 5:30 and celebrate at 6:02. cuz the equation of the day is like 6.02 x 10 to the 23rd power. Well, I am NOT waking up that early- I'm just gunna wear the t-shirt and make a cookie cake. :) For musical- not much is happening for me... I'm an adult and basically I just sing kids... It kind of feels like a combo of Hello Dolly/ Wonderful Town to me. A nice production but no fun unless you have a part. Then work- I have the both weekend days again. I don't like when that happens. I mean I already have to wake up early on weekends as well as weekdays, so making me work until 10:30 is just a little tiring. ... At least I get paid :) til next time ;) <<33
Monday, October 15, 2007
no camera yet... just blue books
OK- now that I have ranted out the gist of this year to come, on to my knitting!! :) I have almost finished that adorable Grown-Up Bonnet Scarf thing ma-gig.. lol, I just want to go in to the shop and have them tell me how they want me to sew it. I have a pretty advanced sewing machine- thanks aunt Lynn!! <<33 - so I do have options for them. I have also been busily working on my mothers... hmm hmm... lol and just little things like the baby hat- all finished- and the other blue hat- finished in math class one Friday... I'm almost done with my skinny little pink scarf from the lion wool- <<33. OHHH~ IF ANYONE HAS ANY PURPLE FANCY FUR- ANY EXTRA OR SEES ANY IN A STORE- PLZ LET ME KNOW ASAP and maybe, May I Have It?!?? I'm always kind and you may get cookies or brownies for your kind doing. :) Thank you very much- now I must be getting back to my CRAzY blue Book Outlines3 ~ That mean no love in this project
Friday, October 5, 2007
La la la la**
Thursday, September 27, 2007
About a Year, but Still a Learning Grasshopper :)
Onto knitting news.... Well the forcast in MTL is calling for hats, yes hats everywhere, a baby hat, a blue hat, an animal crackers hat from the Harry Potter Movies worn by Ron Wesley, yes the forcast looks to be full of hats, but wait, what's that? Oh yes, I see a sweater in there, a very nice blue eyelet cardigan that is cropped, yes yes. Very good, oh and one more project- the store's Grown-Up Bonnet made with the Blue Sky Alpaca WorstedWeight. SOOO soft!!
lol :) I hope you liked my Knitting Sports News. :) I enjoyed that. And yeah, I do realize that that is 2 sentences... 0:)
Not sure yet if I can make it to one of the next Knitting nights, but I will try, as I always do! <<33!!!!
AH!!!! Forgot to mention the reason of the title! I am knitting the Grown Up Bonnet and here's what it says.... "(WS) Work even in St st for 5 rows, beginning with a purl row. Change to larger needle and work even until Gusset measures 7" from the beginning, ending with a WS row."
Now, can anyone tell me which row should be next in line??? And how to do "Row 1: (RS) Skp, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog- 24 sts remain."
Thank YOU!!!!! :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
And the Winner is~~>.>~~>..?!?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
omg, Black Cow?!
Ok- done ranting. Onto my knitting projects. First, my sweater is going very well so far, almost the 3inches of ribbing is done. :) Yes, I'm taking it very slow. Oh and my b-e-a-U-tiful PENS scarf is just lovely. So long and luscious with all it's blue sky alpaca wool that makes it so wondrous. . . Sorry, just dreaming about pretty yarns. :) Well, I'm looking forward to the Steeler socks for ... someone- I hopefully will be at knitting on Thursday night because I don't have work. And I am trying very hard to get the next Friday night knit night back so I don't have to work. By the way- have I mentioned that the Bowling & Paddlers that belong to the Club, are extremely annoying. They got a table of 12 and another of 8, then they switched a bunch of chairs in and out and added more people. They come in whenever they want and they are just so annoying, and I never want to work that night again. But guess what~ they come every Friday now until the end of April. I'm in for a whole lot of crap from the Bowlers.
In other news- Musical has started. We are doing Bye Bye Birdie, and I hope that everyone will clear the flowing dates: January 31, February 1 & 2 ; off for this event on their calenders. Thank you very much. I must do some research on the play because I really want a part and the auditions seem scary. But I really want a part.
While I go do my research on Bye Bye Birdie- you do some of you flashbacks, NO CHEATING ON THE INTERNET- to find out what a Black Cow is.... Good Luck! :)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Knitting all the time
Ok, I still don't have internet and I still don't have a digital camera. I also want to paint my room and go for a little back to school clothing shopping with my friend Allison. So, I'll take about 75 to Forever21, paint would be like 50 maybe... Then a digital camera is next on my list.... I need to get one before the musical starts because I just love taking pictures at rehearsal. Also at family functions and at other events as well, like, MY KNITTING ACCOMPLISHMENTS! :) I have so many items left to knit, but OH! I finished the Browns scarf, I no longer like them, it was just a little thing, it was just not hating them as much. That's all. And I've decided to make a pair of Steelers socks for the Cleavland uncle (He lives in Cleveland, but is a Steelers fan). That should get me back on the right track with the Pittsburgh ways. I also cannot wait to get that Pens scarf started. I don't think I am going to do the cable in that, I got this really beautiful purple soft soft yarn and I think that will be the cable on size 8's and the Pens scarf will just be ribbing or something like a scarf I got for X-mas a few years ago that is really nice at alternating colours. Well, my time is limited and I am hungry. I will knit my way down the stairs! :) I have work Thursday, so no Knitting then, but maybe the next??! We'll see. But Everyone keep knitting!!!! :D
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Crosby!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
New Knit Circle??
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Finishing Up the Pile
Monday, July 16, 2007
Finally Finished! Was I mean?? :/
My name is Carly Lunoe. I recently joined the Knitting Group that used to meet at the South Hills Barnes & Noble, in September. I've been wanting to learn for a good amount of time, so when I met them, and realized how nice they were (especially me, because I am a teenager) I joined in. For the first few months that I attended the groups, it was very pleasant. We were near the Knitting books, so I could grab one and learn more while they were teaching me, and we would all have a great time. Then our group got changed to the other side. A lot smaller and cramped. We also had to go farther to go look at the Knitting/Crochet books. It wasn't too bad though, because then we moved back to the other after probably a month or so of meetings. I do remember one employee actually telling us why they moved us to the smaller place though. They told us that they didn't want us to be bugged or annoyed by all of the noise in the cafe. Honestly, we don't really realize that. I know we're a Knitting Group, but we do laugh and have conversations; much like the other people in the cafe. We didn't have to be moved to have a more quite space. After being moved back, we had a really big group one night. Our group is very open to having people come once a month or every meeting. Just very laid back about it, but this night we had lots. We filled up all the comfy chairs, then the wooden ones. I think we finally asked for some more chairs and got some folded ones. This is where things went down hill. The next meeting after this, all we had were too comfy chairs and the rest were folding chairs. We also had a fold up table, but no coffee table in the middle. This made things awkward because we all usually get drinks, and look at books, so the floor was kind of covered in the things that we usually purchase. Most of the people in the knitting group work all day and don't appreciate the folding chairs. It's just not good for your back. Even I got sick of them. So I moved a chair that was vacant around the corner (a comfy one), and brought it to the circle. Once the manager realized my action. He came over to the group and yelled at us. He claimed that I had stolen the chair. We didn't appreciate his tone and it was just very uncomfortable. Then once he left and we discussed his yelling, then he came back over and corrected himself of not saying 'stealing'. I didn't move the chair from outside the chair, I barely moved the chair 15feet. I'm not sure if this was the same meeting, but I think it was a different one. He came over to us and told us that meeting here is a privilege. That we are lucky or whatever to be having our group meeting there. He claimed that we were in the way of customers (not acknowledging that we ourselves are customers each time we come in). He told us that we were in the way of the cook books and the selves on which they were showed. We looked around, and the table that is usually farther away, was moved closer to our circle than usual. And that the same books on the shelves behind us, were the ones on the table. We were confused. No one gave us dirty looks or had any trouble getting to the books. We even asked a few people if we disturbed them from getting to the books. They all said no. The manager at this store has given us too much trouble. And I just don't like how he treats us. The women who started the group a few years ago have called the manager at Borders down the street and they are more than happy to have us. I went to our first meeting and they were wonderful. Enough chairs for everyone, a cute little table, near the knitting books and even coupons for a drink in their cafe. I'm not saying that Barnes & Noble is bad. I just don't like the management in that specific store. I am happy that Borders is closer and very nice to us. I think you should know how the people in your store are treating customers. I don't think they realize that even though we were a group, we were still customers. You might want to check on that. I don't want to come off as rude, I just don't like being treated badly when I go out to have a good time. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and care about all your customers,
Carly Lunoe
Monday, July 9, 2007
Where in the world is???
Well, onto knitting. The fact that I don't have a digital camera makes me type more, but you all love reading so much so you can catch up with it. Ok, the hat that I am knitting for Michelle, is really hard. Trying to get in the grove of doing 3 rib 3 rib 3 rib.... it's hard! Especially since I had to start over with longer needles. The yarn is so soft and looks so fun to work with, but getting through the first few rows~ it's difficult. So instead of working on all that rib, I am working on the baby yarn scarf I have started, and already love to wear while knitting! It's sooo soft! I want to make a huge blanket out of this stuff, hell, let's make my whole bedding this yarn! Ok, I won't go that crazy, but it would be sooo comfy. There's one more scarf. It is out of the same yarn that I used for Ramsey's hat that I made in one day. Instead of just garter stitch all of it. I have a patern of like checkers. I knited the first few rows with garter, but then I do this: Row1,3,5: K5, P5, K5, P5, K5; Row2,4,6:K5, K5, P5, K5, K5. When you come to row 7, you must Knit the first and last 5 like usually, but u change the pattern of the checkers, so that the next checker will show up. I don't know if that pattern is completely right, but for the first 3 checkers, it will work, then the next 3, I think you switch it. I'll show pictures as soon as I can. The scarf is a birthday gift for my vegas cousin who is going to be going to school in PA. That means he hasn't seen snow in a while, and will need some good wool to keep his chilly bones warm! I'm so glad that I have someone who will really use the wool I knit with. I know everyone will, but honestly, I think this will be the only scarf he will own at the time, so I might have to make another one for him for Christmas. :)
Ok, I got all my knitting out and where is everyone. Now what do I do??? I am scrambling to finish the Harry Potter 5 book before the movie comes out. I honestly read for like 3 hours after I get up then even more as the days go on. I have like 300 some pages left. I hope I finish in the next few days~ as long as none of the secrets of the movie get out, I'm good. I know what will all happen in the movie basically, but I don't want anyone telling me what happens through the movie version. I'm so excited, cuz I've seen the previews and it looks like they've done such a good job. Well, I'm going off to have my own little knit night with my mother. Because I have got my new job, I'm not sure if I can make it on Friday, but I will keep this posted. <<33 laters!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
San Diego <<33
The two sites I got to go to were the best! Obviously cuz I was there, just kidding. We just really got to help out and it really felt like we made a difference. It was hard to leave San Diego, but I think it was harder saying good-bye to all the kids we helped out for the whole week. One of the girls in the morning shift, which was a HeadStart program-basically a preschool for underprivileged kids & their parents can't afford anywhere else; when we all got in line for hugs, she told me "I don't want you to go, I'll miss you too much." I seriously had to hold in my tears. She was so honest and I will always miss Korinia. We are going to write to them, which is a little reassuring for me- but I wish we could have stayed longer. They never have anything constant, and I just felt like another disappointment for the week. They have new volunteers every week. I wish we could have stayed at least two or something, just for the constant relationship for them. They needed it. But I am glad we had the time we did to help them.
The afternoon was really neat too. We got to go to this gym, Lord's Fitness. We got to do little workouts with the kids, ages 5-14, and they loved it. I got to take two hip-hop classes with all the girls, but best of all, I got to TEACH two of their dance classes! They actually enjoyed it too! It was really fun, and the guy encharge, Eric, was most definatly the coolest guy to run this place. So layed back but so together with his work. Honestly, he had it together, even though some things needed help, he just went with the flow to fix them.
After our shifts at our 2nd site of the day, we all waited in the parking lot of Lord's Fitness to take our showers. There were only 5 showers, and my group was already working there. Then why did we go last everyday??? Because the girls from AC Slater always finished at their site too early and we were always last. Sure there were only 5 girls in our group, but who cares, we were their before AC, which makes no sense, cuz we were there right after lunch. We arrived at 1 or 1:10 every day to Lord's. They should've let us go first. {It wasn't Eric who decided these, he would have let Kelly girls go first, it was Colt, he did it very unorganized, which buged us. But we did, ok just me, play Frisbee while we waited. Which was really cool.}
So after showers we all went back to New Life and got ready for dinner. There were crews for each meal except lunch, you made lunch while you ate breakfast. We had free time in the mean while, which was the time where I got to catch up with my new Kansas buds. We did stomp and braiding hair. It was really fun. I actually have bruises from the stomp, but trust me, it was really fun, and just had to be done. :) OHHH!!!! Did anyone see The Last Mimzy?? Well, I haven't yet, but the little boy, Chris O'Neal, WE GOT TO MEET! He went to the Mission Trip! It was really cool~ sweet little boy too. He actually cared about his religion and got into the discussions in club. He was in my group twice during club. He also did stomp with us; and actually got pretty good! I'll show you guys how sweet it is on Friday, if we can find a place to go! :/
Well, I know Heather is wondering where all these beautiful pictures are of San Diego and beloved Carly. Did I get those confused... No. :) Well, As you know, my camera is worthless now, so we took the churches and my youth director is going to burn me a CD and you will see many once he passes those out. I'll also tell more stories when I get those, cuz it's easier to do that. + more entertaining. <<33 Miss San Diego, But gladd I have my OWN BED!!!! :)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Summer Summer

Now here it is all finished! :) Hats are really quick! I love that about them

It looks better in person, but u get the gist. I am now starting a ribbed hat for Michelle. I really like the yarn on this one too! I want to make a wrap sweater out of it when I get the chance. I am also working on another Christmas gift. But I can't really talk about it yet. So, I'll have pictures up when I get a new battery. Go to Bloomin' Yarns to check out the new purple Alpaca hat! It's worth it~ Laters-
And I almost forgot! I'm going to San Diego for a week, so I won't be able to blog until July- Hopefully I'll get a new battery and I'll be able to take LOTS of photos, especially for Heather, so she can see the beautiful city she left on the west coast. I will hopefully take the hat along with me, but I have to call American Air lines and see if I can take them with me. If anyone knows about how American feels about knitting needles (Double points for a hat) then tell me. If they prefer straight needles, I'll make a scarf, I just have to know by Saturday June 23th! Thanks!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Grads & Alpaca!

Friday, June 15, 2007
Bloomin' Yarns & Fair! :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
wanting to cry :'(
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Quicky Knit

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007
It's HOT!

I love pink too- That's my new pink dress from American Eagle. I love that store.
The next thing I'm knitting is a scarf for my cousin for Christmas- yes, remember, I'm knitting smart, for Christmas. It's a long- really thin, black fuzy scarf. I'll have pictures next time.
Am going to be knitting graduation gifts too- A hat for my good friend Nicole, and a scarf for Liz. Nicole's new school colours are Green- Yellow- & White... I hope I can make that work... When Liz's is easy, just blue and gold like our school is now.
Well That's all for now. Stay cool, hopefully I'll see someone at the pool! <<33
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Knitting when it's warm...
The Hacky Sack I gave to Taylor- I need to learn how to make them in the round so they look better, but still a good one for my first try.