Tuesday, September 11, 2007

omg, Black Cow?!

Well, the omg is oh my gosh (God)- whichever floats your boat, and the Black Cow?!?? No one at work knows what it means, I would like to see if you all know it. I need input on what you think you know. Back to omg- it's junior year and so far pretty easy. Knock on wood* My Spanish teacher is the coolest, I must say, and my History teacher, just sucks. She hates me already. I have a 100% in the class, but she hates me because... Because.... Because I knit during the parts of class she shows movies!! I hate her.... Ok, that is kind of strong, but- think about it; it's a movie, there's enough light, I stay focused- what's the problem?! I was called after class like I was in second grade and tried to kick little Tom when he cut me at the water fountain. She said that knitting is like texting and that she has to think about it, and you know what she said- it's possible to get a detention for knitting in class! Have you ever heard of that? My English teacher is nice, she says, oh- you knit Carly, that's so neat, you must show us when you're all done, but noooo- this witch wants to give me detention for it! You know what this means,? NO x-mas gift for you little lady.

Ok- done ranting. Onto my knitting projects. First, my sweater is going very well so far, almost the 3inches of ribbing is done. :) Yes, I'm taking it very slow. Oh and my b-e-a-U-tiful PENS scarf is just lovely. So long and luscious with all it's blue sky alpaca wool that makes it so wondrous. . . Sorry, just dreaming about pretty yarns. :) Well, I'm looking forward to the Steeler socks for ... someone- I hopefully will be at knitting on Thursday night because I don't have work. And I am trying very hard to get the next Friday night knit night back so I don't have to work. By the way- have I mentioned that the Bowling & Paddlers that belong to the Club, are extremely annoying. They got a table of 12 and another of 8, then they switched a bunch of chairs in and out and added more people. They come in whenever they want and they are just so annoying, and I never want to work that night again. But guess what~ they come every Friday now until the end of April. I'm in for a whole lot of crap from the Bowlers.

In other news- Musical has started. We are doing Bye Bye Birdie, and I hope that everyone will clear the flowing dates: January 31, February 1 & 2 ; off for this event on their calenders. Thank you very much. I must do some research on the play because I really want a part and the auditions seem scary. But I really want a part.

While I go do my research on Bye Bye Birdie- you do some of you flashbacks, NO CHEATING ON THE INTERNET- to find out what a Black Cow is.... Good Luck! :)


LaurieG said...

Isn't that Coke and milk? I prefer root beer and milk, myself but whatever. If I'm right do I win something?

Celtic Queen said...

Actually if I remember from when I worked at The Diner, a Black Cow is ice cream, Coke, and chocolate syrup.

BTW, I have the Animal Crackers yarn split and waiting for you. Whenever you're ready, we can start. :)

Heather said...

Hey, we miss you on Fridays! I cannot even pretend that I am not out of the loop, no clue about black cow. Oh, and working as service staff is supposed to be what encourages you to A) treat all people with more respect (being treated badly makes you appreciate good manners and kindness- not that you aren't already) and B) go to college and get a good job. Sounds like it is working, so far :)

LaurieG said...

I think I was the first person with the right answer. I want a cake. I deserve a cake! I'm going to go make myself one...