Monday, March 30, 2009


Oh i know i haven't blogged in forever and i truly do miss it. I have been picking my needles up more, so yay! Haha, but here's the 'Ahhh' part....

My computer crashed.

Not just the ram sticks, if that's what he said, but the harddrive.

I have lost everything. All documents, all pictures, all music, all of it.

Does anyone realize how many pictures we think are safe just on our computer??!?

This is for whoever thinks that....


Print those pictures, put them on a cd, something, anything- online albums would be good- anything so that you can access them more than one way.

All of them are gone... The documents aren't as important as my school ones that i keep on a USB flash drive, but still upsetting none the less.

The music can be restored. Because of the account I created with iTunes, when i re-install it on the washed and cleaned out computer, i'll be able to recover what i bought, then all the other music i had on cds. A little tidious, but it's not all lost.

THe pictures just bum me out though!! Seriously, think about it. All my holiday pictures with my family, all my friends and i during musicals, it's all gone. I'm creating online albums if i use my digital camera, but honestly, i'm thinking of printing out pictures from now on, even getting a disposial camera because then you have to print the pictures to see them.

Now onto how I'm blogging without a computer--- the school actually let me log on!! Haha, but i haven't checked my e-mail in over a week! That's the stinky part i can't check at school.


I am knitting a pair of lush leg-warmers. Joyce, from Bloomin' Yarns gave me silk garden noro a while ago, and i've finally started the project. After I finished a beautiful scarf out of a lush chunky wool from Bloomin's and a 1x1 beautiful hat with yarn from them. Haha, i get my yarn from Bloomin's, but Micheal's too. Hopefully i can find another, just to get a little variety.

Once I have a computer again, of my own i mean- i'll put the pictures up of the projects. Until then- i'll be at school, or at dance, or at work. Honestly- it doesn't sound like a lot, but i don't sleep that much. Can't wait til next week when it's SPRiNG BREAK!!!

~~~maybe i'll blog again then.... :) xoxo


Celtic Queen said...

Glad to hear from you again. Hope all things will get better soon.

Heather said...

Good to see you are still around!

bummer about the computer... tough lessons.

Come to knit night!!