Saturday, January 8, 2011

Still on Break**

The snow is beautiful outside! It completely freaks my mother out, but I think it's lovely.

Our tree is still smelling fantabulous and my baking is almost every day.

I made a Raspberry Crumb Cake!


Also made some of my mommy's favorite, Kitchen Sink Cookies!!!

They have so many nuts in them that when i make them into the dough balls, it's hard to keep them all together! Haha--

I also tried this new recipe out of a book I got at Borders the weekend that break started. I've made it twice and it says I should have made about 48 cookies?! But I make BIG cookies and each batch only made 19. I made them the first time, the night of the Winter Classic-- only 1 made it to morning.

The second time I made them I had to give most of them away for a baking agreement I made?? I think they just wanted free baked goods :-P they're gone here now and the people that got them had trouble NOT eating them all in one night-- hahaha

I also have got some knitting done!

I finished my legwarmers but my camera died and I'll take a picture of them later--- BUT because I finished those legwarmers I got started on my Fingerless Gloves :) Here's the 1st one!!!!!!!

I'm very excited to get the other knitted and finally where them!! The thumb is the only tricky part. Otherwise this is a nice and easy pattern.

Hope I can bake 1 or 2 more times before I go back too school! && I'll keep you posted on the knitting :)

<3 Carly

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