Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Roar with a smile :)

Well, I'm just going to admit that it is no fun to blog without pictures. Not having a camera that works, just sucks. So, my next two paychecks will go into a little fund- maybe it won't take two paychecks, but we'll see what I can do. I just don't feel the same while blogging with no evidence to show my progress. That might be why I have kind of been slowing up on all my knitting. Don't think I'm not addicted anymore, I still am- I just haven't been feeling anyone can see my work... It's good to show it off. Haha- I love having show & tell at knit nights- it's where my work is most appriecated and seen. I do get compliments from people who have recieved and are getting good use out of it, but I just like to look back and see how I got there. Yeah- so ROAR to not having a camera- more like a GRRR.. haha, hopefully color will be seen soon :)

So- in knitting news-- not like you can see it!! Ugh, I am getting farther on my socks. Almost half-way done with the foot. I'm also working on my sweater a littler here and there in rehearsals, along with a scarf and the baby hat for my english teacher.

That's all- no pictures.. :( Now I go back to knitting &/or studying for finals... Which are tomorrow... EEK!!

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