Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snowy Tuesday

Yeah yeah, I realize it is Wednesday, but yesterday was so fun. Look at the snow!!!

I get made fun of all the time from my friends that the snow is such a hassle I get asked, "are you happy?" and my answer is yes. I love this snow* it's gorgeous and so breath taking. Literally though, you know that feeling when you're going too fast down a hill when sled riding- it's so cold you can't breathe? It was that cold yesterday and it just makes me smile :D

Now another thing that makes me smile are these cookies my friend and I made yesterday.

The orange ones are GINGER mustaches, the turquoise ones are for MERMEN! Hahaha- and if you can see that white one with Xmas sprinkles on it, that's from Santa not cleaning off his mustache- hehehehe

Do you like my SALT 'N PEPPER STACHE!? Hahaha- these are so much fun.

Hope these were as enjoyable to witness as they were to make :)

<3 Carly

AH- almost forgot. My mother wants to show off the XMAS tree-

Enjoy the SNOW*

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