Monday, April 30, 2007

Studyhall Knit Time

So, days 4 & 5 I have studyhall. I sometimes do homework, but for the past few weeks I've been knitting. I know people watch, but I didn't realize how much. After the bell ring and I put my knitting away, the guy next to me told me he watched my knitting the whole time. Same with a few other people. It's funny, it's so relaxing that I don't even notice. I just sit there for 47 minutes, listening to my ipod and knitting the time away. Life is so sweet. :)


Heather said...

I hope you got your dropped stitch taken care of... my Mister watches me knit all the time. And he is especially interested when I am making something for him!! I think it is just as relaxing to watch the rythm as it is to create it. See you Friday! (I hope, we have to hold the fort down while Laurie and Sara are in MD!!)

Celtic Queen said...

Days like today make me miss study hall. I'm jealous. We should lobby for naptime and study hall back in the corporate world. :)

LaurieG said...

I catch people watching on the bus all the time. Sometimes they say something, sometimes not.